Deck Handrails

From CTH Drafting Standards

Drawing Deck Handrails and Deck Stair Handrails is actually quite easy. Before starting the handrails first draw the Deck and the Stairs. See Drawing Decks and Deck Stairs for instructions if you are unfamiliar with how to do them. Once the decks and stairs are complete it is time to draw the handrails.

First of all, create the handrails for the stairs, including any stair landings there may be. To do this simply right click anywhere on the stairs and select Edit. From the Whole Stair tab place checkmarks in the Left Rail and/or Right Rail checkboxes. The rails are automatically created for you.

File:Select railings.jpg

Note that the handrail settings are set as part of the Drawing Template settings so it is important that your projects always have the latest Drawing Template version.