Creating an Elevation Opening

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After you have defined the Opening Shape the next step in creating an Opening is to create an Elevation Opening.

  1. With your Opening Shape visible on the screen select File ⇒ System Options ⇒ System Library.
  2. Select Elevation Openings as the Type.
  3. Select a Library where you want to store the Elevation Opening.
  4. Under Add Symbol select One Step.
  5. Draw a box around your Opening Shape.
  6. Give your Elevation Opening a name
  7. Optional: If you want to link to a 3D model of the opening then select "Link to 3D Symbol" and browse to the location where the model is stored.
  8. Select OK
  9. Once you add an Elevation Opening the Library dialog remains open so you can create additional Elevation Openings. If you are finished then select OK

Elevation Openings can be used for creating numerous Openings. For instance the same "Double Hung" Elevation Opening can be used to create any number of Openings you desire.

You can also insert Elevation Openings directly into a drawing. From the Draw Tab select Detail-->Elevation Openings. Browse to the desired Elevation Opening and insert it into your drawing. After inserting the Elevation Opening you can edit it to adjust the size, grills, number of sections, etc. You can also add Shutters, Exterior Trim, and a Sill. Some available options are dependent on which Opening Shape was used to create the Elevation Opening.

If you want to link your opening to a 3D model you do that by linking the Elevation Opening to the model. SoftPlan comes with quite a few 3D opening models. You can also make your own with a 3D modeling program such as Sketchup if there are none that match your opening. You can find SoftPlan's premade 3D opening models at:

  • 3D/3D Symbols/Door (used for doors and sidelites)
  • 3D/3D Symbols/Door and Hardware (used for doors and includes door knobs and handles)
  • 3D/3D Symbols/Garage Doors (used for garage doors)
  • 3D/3D Symbols/Vent (used for vents)

Even though SoftPlan does not come with any 3D models for Windows you can find specific manufacturers models at some manufacturer's web sites. Andersen provides a tool called Window Studio. When you install it one of the tools provided is a plugin for Sketchup that allows you to create 3D Sketchup models of their products.

You can also find some at or you can make your own with Sketchup or another 3D modeling program. Note that many 3D models found on the web have trim attached. If this is the case the trim needs to be removed from the model. If you want trim for the opening add the trim by editing the opening in SoftPlan. If you do not remove the trim from the 3D model the opening will not behave correctly in SoftPlan.

When considering using 3D models for your openings be aware that using 3D models is not a very flexible option. For instance a hung window can be edited to have multiple sections. But if your 3D model only has one section that is all you will see in 3D. Also using a 3D model that is a different size than the opening it is assigned to can result in components that appear stretched or compressed. Additionally you can't edit the grills.

So if you are using 3D models for your openings it may be necessary to create a new model for each opening size and configuration if you are trying to achieve a very accurate representation of the opening. If all you need is a "close" representation then a single model could be used for a few openings that are close to the same size. And since 3D models are linked to the Elevation Opening a new Elevation Opening would be required for each 3D model you will be using.

When using 3D models for openings you can create details and renderings with much more accuracy but the accuracy is only as good as the model used.

Check back soon for Part 3: Creating SoftPlan Openings.

Bill is the owner and maintainer of

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